The production of new individuals from their parents is known as reproduction. Here, we will see how plants reproduce. There are many types. They can be mainly categorized into Asexual and Sexual reproduction. Let's see about Asexual Reproduction.
Asexual reproduction : The process of reproducing without seeds, but through other parts of the plant. Plants reproducing through asexual reproduction reproduce very quickly and are often exact copies of the parent plant.
Types of Asexual reproduction :
1) Vegetative Propagation
Reproducing through vegetative parts of plants like stems, roots, buds and leaves.
Examples :
Stems (Stem cutting) : Rose. The stem with a bud in axil is cut and planted. This can grow into a new plant.
Roots : Sweet Potato and Dahlia
Buds : Potato. Potatoes have buds on them called EYES of a potato. By cutting them and planting it, each can grow into a new plant.
Leaves : Bryophyllum. It's leaves have small plants sprouting from it.
2) Budding
When plants reproduce by creating buds, it is called budding.
Example : Budding in Yeast. When water is added to yeast and left undisturbed for a few hours, we can see new buds forming. These buds can grow into new yeast cells and reproduce again. Yeast can reproduce very fast.
3) Fragmentation
Some matured plants divide themselves into two or more part for reproducing. These halves mature and halve again.
Example : Algae, or plurally alga, does this. It can also reproduce a lot in a very short amount of time.
4) Spore Formation
Spores are asexual bodies. They are covered by a hard protective coat to withstand unfavorable conditions such as high temperature and low humidity. Spores germinate and develop into a new individual.
Example : Moss and Fern
Those are the types or Asexual Reproduction. I hope you understood them now.